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Contests: Market your music & increase your traffic
The following paragraph comes from our popular music study,
How to Promote Your Music Successfully on the Internet.
Do you know what the most powerful keyword is? “FREE!” Combine that with “FREE MUSIC!”
and you’ve got something that will bring traffic to your site. Contests are a great way to publicize your music
and build up a database of interested customers email addresses. Sponsor a contest at your site, and once a month
have a drawing to give away a free copy of your music sampler or one of your other CDs. If you advertise this contest
via the search engines, newsgroups, and at your site you may build up traffic rather quickly. Although you give
away a CD every month, that customer may come back and buy more of your product.
However, here is something negative to consider about sponsoring contests... most people will take anything if
it’s free. Heck, you could give away free spatulas and probably generate traffic to your web site. This brings
up the question, are you really targeting your audience by advertising your “free music” contest? or are you just
bringing in curious onlookers? If you post a message to the newsgroups about your free music, are your visitors
really interested in YOU or are they just looking for a handout? Probably the latter.
What we really recommend you do is use your contest, your “free music” as a reward to those customers who already
come to your site because they are truly interested in your product. You might strictly advertise your monthly
contest only on your home page. Then you know the entries you receive are prospective sales. As you build up your
database of names you’re not creating a list of freeloaders, your generating a list of potentially interested buyers.
In conjunction with your contest, we suggest you create a submission form that also serves the purpose of a survey.
Don’t make it too long or that will discourage people from entering, but ask simple questions like, “How did you
find our site?” “Any comments on our site?” You’ll find a lot out about your audience this way as well as get some
useful data that may influence the way you market or design your site.
The above text sample from.....